
Privacy Policy


This document contains the Privacy Policy that applies to the companies of The Mint Company Group, made up of Comercial Macys Canarias, S.L. (Responsible for the Treatment), The Mint Company Canarias, S.L. and The Mint Company Fly, S.L. and that are related to the websites, and (hereinafter, the "Websites"); therefore, the terms included in it that are current at all times, will be applicable to all Users of both Websites, as well as to the users of the group companies.

Users will be responsible for the proper reading of this Privacy Policy, so that they can determine, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the personal data that may be requested, on the occasion of the services offered by COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. and the companies of the group, through this means, and so they express it with their consent, in the acceptance forms provided for that purpose, without prejudice to the rights that correspond to them under the applicable regulations.

The Privacy Policy and the information provided are not contractual or part of your contract with us.


In accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the current concordant regulations in Spain, users are informed of our commitment to respect their privacy and protect their personal data, being transparent about the data we collect, from the way we do it, the type of data we collect, as well as the use we make of them and with whom we can share them, always adopting all the necessary measures to protect and keep your information safe. In the same way we will respect your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation to treatment, opposition and portability, to which you can access at the time you deem convenient.

The information you provide to us is confidential, and will only be disclosed in the cases contemplated below and when requested by a public or judicial administration.

If you have any questions, please contact our Data Protection Delegate by writing to our postal address Comercial Macys Canarias, SL, C/Puntarenas, 12-B5, 35109 San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas, Spain, or email to [email protected]

2.1. Responsible for Data Processing.

All personal data processed in relation to this Privacy Policy are the responsibility of Comercial Macys Canarias, S.L., which is considered to be "Responsible for processing" under the data protection laws of the European Union.

Identity: COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. - CIF: B-35412642

Postal address: C/Puntarenas,12, 35109, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas, Islas Canarias-España.

e-mail: [email protected]

You can contact our Data Protection Delegate, if you have any questions about how we treat the information.

2.2. Users to whom this Privacy Policy is applicable.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, Users in general are the persons who provide us with information when filling out any of the forms available on the web pages, stores, events, etc., when creating a user account on ours Websites or our Newsletter, when requesting a service or article through e-commerce, by participating in the events we develop in order to promote our products, our service providers, and those who use digital media to contact any of our companies of the group.

2.3. Data that we collect and keep and its origin.

We collect personal data about you, each time you use our services, when you use ours Websites or when you interact with us through electronic means, through our customer service centers or directly in our stores.

We can treat the following categories of personal information provided by you:

2.4. Purposes of the processing of your personal data.

The obtaining and processing of the personal data of the Users have the purposes that are listed below:

a) Process purchase orders and any other services offered through the Websites, as well as to facilitate navigation through it.

b) Attend and properly manage queries, comments, incidents or suggestions of a technical, commercial or natures that are.

c) Manage and / or process the curricula in the framework of the corresponding selection process open at that time or, where appropriate, for future processes in which your profile could fit.

d) Send information about new products, special offers and, in general, the promotional activities that start COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. and its group companies: THE MINT COMPANY CANARIAS, S.L. and THE MINT COMPANY FLY, S.L., unless the User expressly indicates that he does not wish to receive such commercial communications.

All data requested through the Websites indicated as mandatory, must be provided for the optimal provision of the service to the User. The refusal to provide the requested data, the delivery of incomplete or outdated inaccurate data, could result in the inadequate, inefficient, defective provision or non-provision of the services and / or contents offered to visiting Users, being the only ones responsible for any damage or injury, direct or indirect, that could cause COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, SL or to any third party because of the falsehood, inaccuracy, insufficiency or failure to update them.

2.5. How long we keep your personal data.

We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to process your purchase request, sending commercial information of interest, and in any case for the time necessary to comply with any legal obligation arising from the treatment of the same. After this period, or at the express request of the User, your data will be deleted.

2.6. Legitimation: legal basis to treat your personal data.

COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. It will only treat your personal data when there is a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will depend on the reason or reasons why COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. collect and need to use your data. Under the data protection regulations of the European Union, the legal basis is because you have given your consent so that COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. or the group companies mentioned in section 2.4, use their personal data for a specific purpose.

In the event that the processing of your data is subject to any other law, the basis for the processing of the data may be different from that established in the previous paragraph, and in such circumstances may be based on your consent in all cases, as maybe to be the fulfillment of a contract with you, send you a purchase order, etc.

2.7. The Recipients. With whom do we share your personal information?

The recipients of the information provided will be the staff of COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. or the companies in our group identified in the previous paragraph, committing themselves to using the data provided to respect their confidentiality and to use them according to the aforementioned purposes.

COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third companies and that whenever any type of transfer of personal data was to be made, the holders would be asked for their express, informed and unequivocal consent in advance; except in the case provided in Section 2.4 of this Privacy Policy, in which case, some third parties will have access to your data, for the purposes described below:

a) In case of making purchases by e-commerce, the logistics provider for the physical delivery of the orders made.

b) External service providers that we hire to provide services, such as, for example, to carry out marketing initiatives, mailing or conducting customer surveys on our behalf.

c) Other providers that are necessary for the provision of services requested by you, such as credit and debit card companies, credit reporting agencies and fraud control service providers, to process payments and (when necessary) perform fraud controls.

d) Third parties, such as law firms and courts, to demand compliance or the application of a contract with a user.

e) Other third parties, such as the police and regulatory authorities, to protect our rights, property, or the safety of our customers, employees and assets.

COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L., informs its users that it uses Facebook and Instagram social networks, being the owner of the "shuzulab" and "themintcompany" pages, as well as the use of the Business Whatsapp application. The interaction with users through the use of said profiles or tools implies the international transfer of data, analytical and technical in relation to the Page, the profiles of networks, or the mentioned applications, being in their servers in which COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, SL it treats the data that users provide through them.

Any international transfer of data when using applications originating in the United States of America, is done under its adhesion to the Privacy Shield agreement, which guarantees that US software companies comply with European data protection policies regarding privacy. However, the privacy of your profile depends on the permissions you grant when you join our social networking pages or instant messaging applications.

2.8. Your Rights and how to exercise them.

In accordance with European data protection regulations, you have the following rights:


You can request a copy of all your personal data that COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. keep on you.


You can modify your personal information when it is inaccurate.


You can request the deletion of your personal data.


You can request that your personal information not be processed.

Limitation to treatment

You can request the limitation of treatment in the following cases:


You can receive, in electronic format, the personal data that you have given us and those that have been obtained from your contractual relationship with COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L., as well as to transmit them to another entity.

You may exercise your rights or revoke the consent given in this Policy at any time by sending a written request that must contain the following information:

Send your request to:


C/Puntarenas,12, 35109, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas,

Islas Canarias, España.

Or to the email: [email protected]

You will also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), especially when you have not received satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.

2.9. Additional Information.

Article 5.1.f of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) determines the need to establish adequate security guarantees against unauthorized or illegal treatment, against the loss of personal data, destruction or accidental damage. This implies the establishment of technical and organizational measures aimed at ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of personal data and the possibility (Article 5.2) to demonstrate that these measures have been put into practice.

Therefore, COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. has adopted all the measures, technical and organizational, necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it treats, as well as to avoid its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorized third parties.

COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. will not be responsible in any case for the incidents that may arise around the personal data when they are derived from an attack or unauthorized access to the systems, in such a way that it is impossible to detect by the security measures implemented, or when it is due to a lack of diligence of the user regarding the guard and custody of their access codes or their own personal data, as well as for any breach of the Policies and, where appropriate, Contracting Conditions, , that regulate the Websites and that are defined in Section 2.2 of the Legal Notice.

Notwithstanding the above, when security breaches of personal data occur, such as theft or improper access to personal data, the Spanish Data Protection Agency will be notified of such security breaches, including any the information necessary for the clarification of the facts that would have given rise to the improper access to personal data.


Websites servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the User. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is registered in a file of activity of the server, duly registered, which allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain measurements that allow knowing the statistics on parameters such as the number of page impressions, the number of visits made, order of visits, etc.


Our Websites uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures (passwords) and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these ends, the user accepts that COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. obtain data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of access controls.

With respect to the passwords provided to Registered Users, they may modify it at any time and must keep it under their exclusive custody and responsibility, assuming all damages that may derive from an improper use of it.

Likewise, the User undertakes to notify COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L., immediately, of any unauthorized use of their password.

COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. comply with the provisions of current regulations regarding the duty to cancel personal information that has ceased to be necessary for the purpose or purposes for which it was collected, blocking it, in order to meet the possible liabilities arising of data processing and only during the limitation periods of these legally established responsibilities. Once these deadlines have elapsed, this information will be definitively eliminated by safe methods.


The Websites is governed by the cookies policy to which the User can access in the following link Cookies Policy.


COMERCIAL MACYS CANARIAS, S.L. may modify this Privacy Policy due to legislative or regulatory requirements or with the purpose of adapting them to the instructions given by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or the corresponding European Authorities.